Money Saving Tips For Your Early Twenties

Maintaining a healthy bank account goes hand-in-hand with maintaining a healthy smile, in our opinion. We know that medical expenses (including dental) can be a stressful thing as you move out from under your parent’s wings and fly out on your own. We decided to step out of our dental blog writing for a second and offer a few tips for those of you in that boat- just because we care for you.
- Shop online to find better deals, not to pass time
- Never go grocery shopping when you’re hungry… like ever
- Eat out less
- Set up auto draft to avoid late fees
- Sell what you no longer use or need online
- Drink water
- Make your own coffee
- Slow down when you drive
- Carpool everywhere you can
- Plan your vacations well in advance
- Buy generic
- Change your car oil
- Sign up for the Welch Dental Group Savings Program to help with dental costs
Simple stuff.