Toothpaste Gets a New Job in the New Year

Toothpaste is not just for fighting disruptions in the mouth, it likes to help us in other areas of health and home as well. Let’s put it to the test in various scenarios, from home maintenance to personal care, and see what she does. “Prepare to be amazed at how this bathroom staple can solve problems you never knew you had, proving that toothpaste deserves a spot not just in your bathroom but in your cleaning and emergency repair kits, too.” – Info Express
Jewelry Cleaner
Apply a pea-sized amount on an old toothbrush and gently brush your jewelry, then rinse under warm water and dry with a soft cloth. The result is impressively shiny jewelry, achieved without the need for expensive cleaning solutions or professional services.
Remove Scuffs from Shoes
Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a soft cloth, rub it gently on the scuff marks, and then wipe away with a damp cloth.
Clear Up Wall Marks
A small dab on a damp cloth can erase crayon, pencil, and even some pen marks, restoring your walls to their original glory.
Soothe Burns
By applying a thin layer of toothpaste to the affected area, you can feel immediate cooling, which helps manage the pain of minor burns.
Nail Cleaner and Brightener
Gently brushing your nails with a toothbrush coated in toothpaste removes dirt and stains and gives your nails a more polished look. This hack is especially useful for those who frequently use nail polish, as it can help remove lingering stains and restore the natural beauty of the nails.
Defogging Mirrors
Applying a thin layer of toothpaste to your bathroom mirror and then wiping it off can create a film that prevents fog from settling.
Clean Headlights
By applying toothpaste with a cloth and gently rubbing it in circular motions, you can remove grime and oxidation, improving the clarity and effectiveness of your headlights.
Fill Small Holes in Walls
Simply fill the hole with toothpaste, smooth it over with a putty knife or a piece of cardboard, and allow it to dry. While this is not a permanent solution, it’s perfect for making quick repairs.
We found this article on Info Xpress’s website and wanted to share with you- full credit goes to them for putting that together, we just broke it back down for you.
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