Texas Summer Garden Survival Guide

We don’t typically talk about gardens on this blog, but it is the Summer of Smiles and gardens do make you smile. So… we found some tips and tricks and wanted to share with you!
Summer heat has not been that hard on our gardens, but we all know that August is right around the corner. That is typically our warmest month; gardeners this last couple of years have been seeking ways to ensure their yards and gardens survive. Here is a little guide to a heat-and drought resistant garden for the last couple of months we have left.
Native plants may not be your choice plant, but they are the most ideal candidate for resiliency during the last couple of months. Texas Sage, Indian Blankets will help your garden become more equipped to withstand heat without excessive watering.Visit a local nursery to get more suggestions.
Be considerate of planting trees and planning overhangs. Texas Ash trees provide plenty of shade for you to play under, as well as pergolas or arbors.
Organic compost improves soil fertility which will help all of your plants retain moisture.
Plan your watering times for either very early or later in the evening. This is pretty obvious as to why, but the heat will just evaporate any water you put out there during the hot times in the day, so give your garden enough time to drink before it has to face the hard parts of the day!