Home Remedies for Removing Plaque Naturally

If you have been keeping up with regular dental check-ups before COVID-19, you know what it’s like to get your teeth professionally cleaned. We are able to get over those rough edges you can’t, detail the oral interior, and leave your mouth feeling like it just left the car wash. As you know, your dentist moves in close and uses a special scraping tool to remove plaque from your teeth. Calcified spots are targeted (they look like little white or yellow marks on the outer surface of the enamel). We know you are all missing this service, with us not being able to open up for regular appointments, so here are a few tips and tricks to get you through until you can come back!
Antiseptic Cleanser
Try a hydrogen peroxide based mouthwash or cleanser.
-1 tablespoon of antiseptic mouthwash
-3 tablespoons of (3% only) hydrogen peroxide solution
Do this one right so you don’t damage your teeth
Dental Scrapers
These are thin and long, with a hooked metal end and you have seen them on the dental tray in the office and can look a little scary, but be gentle and use them right.
Super Vitamin Paste
Take a few oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, and anything else that you have in the house. Mix together until you get a thick paste and then apply this to the tartar and plaque build ups. Leave to rest for five minutes and then rinse thoroughly. The vitamin C will help to remove bacteria and keep your mouth healthy.
Spicy Meals
Apparently, spicy cuisines are great for reducing plaque and tartar levels in the mouth. The more saliva you have, the better off your mouth is for fighting plaque.
Gargling with Vinegar
This won’t be fun, but it is natural and won’t harm teeth.
-2 tablespoons of vinegar
-1 tablespoon of salt
-4 ounces of water
Now, gargle with this vinegar solution. Rinse and repeat every 2-3 days for maximum value.
Grinding Up Clove Spices
Mix ground spice with some water, until it forms a paste. Apply this paste directly to the stained areas and leave to rest. Rinse thoroughly.
Food Color to Find the Stains
Food coloring and a teaspoon of water, gargle and spit . You should be left with light patches of color where the most stubborn plaque accumulations are; concentrate brushing here.
Make a Cheese Plate
Cheeses can neutralize the acids that accumulate right after meals. Aged cheeses act as a buffering agent and a barrier for plaque.
We hope that this helped or at least gave you a good read!
Visit Welch Dental Group today – a safe, comfortable, and welcoming environment for every dental patient, including you and your family. Here at our practice, you will feel involved in your care when you are given a choice in the way your treatment is provided. Call us at 281.395.2112 or fill out this contact form to schedule an appointment.