Safe ways to hand out candy during Halloween this year

The stores are filling up with Halloween treats and decor and we are thinking of ways to safely get it all out the door. Read up for a few suggestions for coronavirus pandemic-friendly ways to get all those trick-or-treaters safely on to the next house.
Use kitchen utensils – A pair of tongs or a long soup ladle could work just fine
Dixie cups – Place them on a table in your driveway for an easy grab
Treat bags – Same as the cups, but in a bag- easy to grab.
Put candy bags tied in trees – For an easy grab and to keep people off your porch
Candy shoot – Take a long tube or pipe, make a stand and decorate it for a fun project with the kids
No matter how you do this Halloween- make sure you stay safe on the streets, keep hard candy away from your bite, and brush you teeth at the end of the night! Come schedule an appointment if you want a deep cleaning after this sugar rushed holiday!
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