The Dos and Do Nots After a Tooth Extraction

It is summer time and a lot of people plan their big dental surgeries during this time away from school. Perhaps this can help you get prepared for that upcoming tooth extraction. You will have to make sure you are doing all that is necessary to ensure a speedy recovery and get back in the pool. Whether you have just had tooth extraction or about to, it is best to follow any tooth extraction post-treatment instructions given to you by your dentist the moment you leave the practice. This will not only make your recovery much quicker, but it also reduces your chances of acquiring complications immediately after treatment. Here are some general rules.
Controlling the pain after a tooth extraction
After your tooth has been removed, you can expect some tenderness in the treated area for a few days after the procedure. This discomfort is usually mild – depending upon factors such as difficulty of the extraction, your post-operative care and presence of any infection – and will subside in a few days. But if you are not comfortable with the pain, your dentist will prescribe you with medications to control the pain. It is important that you follow the recommended dosage for every medication.
How to manage bleeding after a tooth extraction
Your tooth extraction site could bleed more than the usual wound on the skin, as healing will be prevented by the saliva – which is why it is necessary that you apply pressure on the wound to promote blood clot formation and reduce bleeding. Your main goal is to prevent any activity that could disturb this clot and encourage bleeding again.
Although you should expect minor oozing of the site, remember that a little bleeding mixed with a lot of saliva looks like a lot of blood, so don’t panic. If bleeding persists for the first 24 hours after tooth extraction, you can call your dentist or apply the following tips:
- Avoid drinking hot drinks. Drink fluids by taking small sips. Avoid using a straw when drinking as this may dislodge the clot.
- Soft foods are more recommended. Take them in small mouthfuls at a time.
- Stop smoking and avoid drinking alcohol during your recovery.
- Don’t rinse your mouth. It is best to avoid spitting as well.
- Relax and avoid doing exercises that can strain you.
- When lying down, prop an extra pillow to keep your head up. This will reduce swelling and bleeding in the area.
Simply remind yourself that the better care you as a patient can provide for the first 24 hours after an extraction, the more likely the healing time will be short and comfortable. Our qualified dentists at Welch Dental Group will help you recover quickly from a tooth extraction. Call us today at 281-395-2112 to schedule an appointment!